Congress Keynote Speakers

Daily Zoom Schedule

15:00 - 17:00 (EEST) Zoom 1 - Joint Events
17:15 - 19:15 (EEST) Zoom 1 - Theory and Research Zoom 2 - Therapy Zoom 3 - Pedagogy Zoom 4 - COVID-19 and Trauma
* Zoom Meeting links were sent to all the participants via emails provided at registration. In case you are registered but didn't receive an email with Zoom Meeting links, please, contact us in Telegram

** Plenary/keynote lectures always start in Zoom 1. To change between parallel sessions (streams), please, close the previous Zoom session and join corresponding Zoom Meeting link

*** In case you will experience any technical troubles joining Congress Zoom Meetings, please, contact us at [email protected]

Book of Abstracts

Book of abstracts is available for download


Time for Different Time Zones:
3:00 pm – 7:15 pm – Eastern European Summer Time (EEST)
2:00 pm – 6:15 pm – Central European Summer Time (CEST)
8:00 am – 12:15 pm – Eastern Daylight Time, US (EDT)
9:00 pm – 1:15 am – Japan Standard Time (JST)

Eastern European
Summer Time (EEST)
Sunday, July 11th
15:00 - 15:30 Opening Ceremony
15:30 - 16:15 First Annual Adler Honorable Lecture by Dr. Eva Dreikurs Ferguson
16:15 - 17:00 World Аdler Discussion
17:00 - 17:15 Coffee Break
Theory and Research Therapy Pedagogy COVID-19 and Trauma
17:15-17:40 Satoshi Kato, Japan - "Reconsidering Adler’s courage in relationship with descriptions of his works" Wilfried Datler, Austria - "Developing the ablility to think psychodynamically: Work Discussion as an element of psychotherapeutic training" Christelle Schläpfer, Switzerland - "Bullying and Cyberbullying – a holistic view" Barton Buechner, USA - "A Social Constructionist perspective of Moral Injury and Identity, and their impact on Wellbeing of Military Members, Veterans and Public Safety Officers and their Families"
17:40-18:05 Claudio Ghidoni, Italy - "Today 'rethinking' life requires an ethics of the limit. A challenge between the Creative Self and artificial intelligence" Mitsuko Mizuno, Japan - "How Could We Cope with Grief and Loss? - from Adlerian Perspective." Francesca Molina, Italy - "The Use of Advanced Technology in the Classroom to Prevent Addiction to social Media" Joseph Troiani, USA - "Adlerian Psychology and Military History"
18:05 - 18:10 5 minutes break
18:10-18:35 Didier Manez, France - "New social pathologies: when connection becomes pathological or digital pathologies" Francesco Bocci, Italy - "The use of video games in psychotherapy; the Video Game Therapy approach (V.G.T.)" Anita Schedl, Austria - "The model of the so-called small class - a safe place to develop for children with socio-emotional problems" Kristina Siroka, Slovakia - "Gender-Based Violence Through the Lens of Individual Psychology"
18:35-19:00 Serhii Kyryliuk, Ukraine - "Is there a life of 'therapeutic dyad' outside the office setting?" Daniela Bosetto, Italy - "Psychotherapy and Ageing between care and prejudice" Anabella Shaked, Israel - "A model for counseling parents of avoidant children and young adults" Andrés Buschiazzo, Uruguay - "Epidemiological study in mental health in times of COVID-19 in 7 Latin American countries and Adlerian Psychology"
19:00 - 19:15 Discussion
Monday, July 12th
15:00 - 15:30 "Trauma, Safety and Connection" - Anthea Millar, MA Cambridge, UK
15:30 - 16:00 "Adlerian approach to trauma: experiences, meaning, making, and overcoming" - Marina Bluvshtein, PhD, USA
16:00 - 16:30 "Healing in Individual Psychology and Psychotraumatology" - Daniela Cechova, PhD Bratislava, Slovakia
16:30 - 17:00 "The social-psychotherapeutic concept of providing help for military personnel who are having PTSD during active phase of war" - Zoryana Koshulynska, MD, Ukraine
17:00 - 17:15 Coffee Break
Theory and Research Therapy Pedagogy COVID-19 and Trauma
17:15-17:40 Roman Kechur, Ukraine - "Is psychoanalysis a literature?" Ursula Oberst, Spain - "Theory and measurement of Adlerian personality priorities and their application in counseling" Miyuki Yoshida, Japan - "Individual Psychology in Nursery School" Secondo Fassino, Italy - "Adlerian help relations in emergency due to the pandemic of COVID-19"
17:40-18:05 Herta Brinskele, Austria - "Fiction free will. Why she is problematic and we still need her" Achille Affilastro, Italy - "Adlerian Treatment to prevent relapse among sex offenders: a pilot study proposal in a prison context" Iryna Snyadanko, Ukraine - "The formation of holistic approach in students majoring in legal studies and psychology for identifying true and false information" Alessandra Zambelli, France - "The French IAAP Resilient Tryptic to heal and grow together during pandemic: a psychological training aimed at early intervention, a resilient online path and a new psychological support unit"
18:05 - 18:10 5 minutes break
18:10-18:35 Bianca Maria de Adamich, Italy - "The global growth of a woman, between challenges and health" Simona Fassina, Italy - "The 'distance setting' in the Adlerian Psychodynamic Psychotherapies. Technical aspects and therapeutic relationship" Oliviero Donà, Italy - "The psychological challenges within the educational work context. Different uses of the Individual Psychology tools" Tiziana Levy, Italy - "Transformations of Educational Institution at the time of Covid-19: implications in developmental age and new challenges for children and adults relationships"
18:35-19:00 Marco Gatti, Italy - "Individual psychology as a psychology of hope" Natalia Grinko, Ukraine - "Adlerian Understanding of Orthorexia Nervosa" Clementina Pizza, Italy - "The Growth of Local Territorial Prevention: an Integrated Adlerian Proposal for Adolescence" Daniela Bosetto, Italy - "COVID: between mourning and healing"
19:00 - 19:15 Discussion
Tuesday, July 13th
15:00 - 15:30 "Two mainstreams in the history of thought: Plato and Aristotle, Schopenhauer and Nietzsche, Freud and Adler" - Prof. Alexander Filts, PhD, Ukraine
15:30 - 16:00 "Mind-Brain-Gene and Individual Psychology" - John Arden, PhD, USA
16:00 - 16:30 "Individual Psychology Informed Leadership in the Pandemic and beyond" - Karen John, PhD, UK
16:30 - 17:00 "Tyranny in pathogenesis of socially conditioned feelings of inferiority. On the example of Elijah Repin's autobiographical book "The Far Close" - Oleh Berezyuk, MD, Ukraine
17:00 - 17:15 Coffee Break
Theory and Research Therapy Pedagogy COVID-19 and Trauma
17:15-17:40 Ichiro Umezaki, Japan - "Adlerian psychodrama incorporating essence of martial arts techniques and 'Himotore' technique" Nestor D. Kapusta, Austria - "The role of capacity to love in relationships" Margit Datler, Austria - "'I no longer understand myself and my actions in class!' - Discussion of a reflection-based seminar concept in teacher training for prospective teachers in inclusive settings" Gian Giacomo Rovera, Italy - "Quality of life in aging during the COVID-19 pandemic: New forms consideration about bio-psycho-social-cultural interventions"
17:40-18:05 Sara Marchini, Italy - "The perception of the climate change: an Adlerian perspective" Valentina Vitali, Italy - "How aware are we that love doesn't kill?" Cristina Sanz, Spain - "Teaching social interest to children is more needed than ever in a time of pandemic: Montessori and Adler's principles in action at home" Gisela Eife, Germany - "Healing is unknowable and intangible"
18:05 - 18:10 5 minutes break
18:10-18:35 Julia Yang Blagen, USA - "Love Heals: Integrating Adlerian Perspectives with Quantum and Spiritual Potentials" Daniela Bosetto, Italy - "Cybersex addiction: a challenge for couples and families. Adlerian considerations" Oksana Kosarieva, Ukraine - "Use of methods of Adlerian's play therapy in interaction with children" Halyna Katolyk, Ukraine - "Group dynamics in online educational projects on child psychotherapy: Case studies"
18:35-19:00 Egidio Ernesto Marasco, Italy - "The importance of the word for the prevention of psychopathologies and dissociality" Edit Szélesné Ferencz, Hungary - "The application of the individual psychological approach in the World Game" Francesca Molina, Italy - "Adlerian Parental Cooperation within the legal framework" Lesya Muzychko, Ukraine - "Features of the course and overcoming of the consequences of post-traumatic stress disorder among cadets of combatants"
19:00 - 19:15 Discussion
Wednesday, July 14th
15:00 - 15:30 "Why A Global Future for Humanity Needs Adlerian Parenting To Lead The Way" - Alyson Schafer, PhD, Canada
15:30 - 16:00 "Disability rights and inclusion: A challenge for our times" - Prof. Timothy Hartshorne, PhD, USA
16:00 - 16:30 "Being an Analyst in the Pandemic Time" - Dr. Giansecondo Mazzoli, Italy
16:30 - 17:00 "Varying the Setting" - Dr. Kurt Günther, Vienna, Austria
17:00 - 17:15 Coffee Break
Theory and Research Therapy Pedagogy COVID-19 and Trauma
17:15-17:40 Jon Sperry, USA - "The Past, Present, and Future of the Journal of Individual Psychology: the role in healing and growth" Alessandra Bianconi, Italy - "Do transference and countertransference movements change with the use of digital communication in Adlerian Psychodynamic Psychotherapies?" Gian Piero Grandi, Italy - "Gothic and uncanny in psychotherapy with adolescents" Piero Cherasco, Italy - "Anorexia: the sociocultural adaptability and transformism of a serious disease which is as old as time yet consistently new as a form of biopsychosocial psychopathology"
17:40-18:05 Daniela Bosetto, Italy - "Mind the Gap! Economic and social gender inequality is still a challenge for the global world" Bianca Maria de Adamich, Italy - "Is it possible to heal from the obsession of total control?" Veronika Seiler, Germany - "Telos® Burgeoning Mindset – where children have space to spread their wings – examples from the Telos®-Kinderhaus" Rovera Gian Giacomo, Italy - "New forms of social psychopathology in aging: considerations about complex and educational interventions"
18:05 - 18:10 5 minutes break
18:10-18:35 Antonino Giorgi, Italy - "The Social interest and the mafia fundamentalism" Iryna Sribna, Ukraine - "Sandplay - world in the sandbox. How does it work?" Noziglia Carlotta, Italy - "The role of video games in developing and enhancing skills, multitasking abilities and creativity" Edit Szélesné Ferencz, Hungary - "The legacy of Dr. Marosi Máday István"
18:35-19:00 Lucia Tseng, Taiwan - "Adlerian Based Adventure Group Counseling with Interracial Students: Social Emotional Learning, Career Adaptability, and Community Feeling" Lo Yi-Ru, Taiwan - "Training the Trainers: A Five-Year Outcome Evaluation Study of the TSAP Parent - Teacher Certification Program" Hui Sen Huang, Taiwan - "Facilitating Courage and Action for Change: The Use of 4 Crucial C’s and Socratic Questioning with Multicultural Families" Les White, USA - "Stability of Personality: Revisiting 'Life Style Variables of Holocaust Survivors'"
19:00 - 19:15 Discussion
19:15 - 19:30 Speech of the newly elected President of IAIP followed by speech of Dr. Hanna Marx, who will be leading the next IAIP Congress 2024 in Cologne, Germany

Given the unique circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic, 28th Congress of the IAIP will be held online.

The 28th Congress of International Association of Individual Psychology will provide an opportunity to learn everlasting wisdom of Alfred Adler’s Individual Psychology and its approach to understanding human nature, and to discuss the solutions it can offer to healing of new psychopathologies in contemporary societies.
One’s ability to “see with the eyes of another, hear with the ears of another, and feel with the heart of another” is a measure of one’s health and a basis of optimism as a core of Adlerian approach.

Registration and Format

Congress languages: English, Ukrainian

Each Congress’ day will last 4 hours:

First 2 hours: main lectures in a single virtual room.
Second 2 hours: parallel presentations in different virtual rooms.



8,00 a.m. - 12,00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, US (EDT)
2,00 p.m. - 6,00 p.m. Central European Summer Time (CEST)
3,00 p.m. - 7,00 p.m. Eastern European Summer Time (EEST)
9,00 p.m. - 1,00 a.m. Japan Standard Time (JST)

Delegate Assembly:

9,00 a.m. - 11,00 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, US (EDT)
3,00 p.m. - 5,00 p.m. Central European Summer Time (CEST)
4,00 p.m. - 6,00 p.m. Eastern European Summer Time (EEST)
10,00 p.m. - 12,00 a.m. Japan Standard Time (JST)